activate your card
When you ORDERED an account, we sent you a pack containing your MyAlerts! card with its unique PIC, a FREE silicone wristband and full instructions.
You can now use the form below to 'switch on' your account. . . and then, in step two, you will asked to set a secure password that will allow you to change the content of your Public Alerts page at any time!
why you need to activate. . .
To preserve your privacy and anonymity all Registration packs are made up completely at random, in advance, and then sealed. . . so we don't know which of the 1.6 billion potential PICs is in the pack that you received. This means that we can't connect an individual with any specific PIC!
step one. . .
if you need help. . .
Activating your account couldn't be simpler, but if you get stuck or need advice, please don't hesitate to call MyAlerts! support on 03300 30 11 22 from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.