guaranteed privacy

The whole point of MyAlerts! is that the medical information in your Public Alerts page can be read by anyone entering the unique PIC (Personal Identification Code) from your card.

When caring for an unconscious or confused patient, a first responder only needs access to medical information that will inform their diagnosis and treatment choices.  The patient's name, telephone number, email or physical address is completely irrelevant. . .  which is why we never ask you for any contact details, and is what makes MyAlerts! so private and secure.

<< more about protecting your identity >>

the ultimate privacy is being anonymous

The information you add to your Public Alerts is not indexed in our database (which means that this content cannot be searched, even by us) and because MyAlerts! cards are sent 'double blind', completely at random, we don't even know what PICs have been issued until an anonymous customer activates their card!

what are the odds?

Consider this;  the chance of winning the Lotto is 45 million to 1, and scooping the EuroMillions Jackpot is a 140 million to 1 shot. . .  but someone guessing your PIC is an astronomical 1,600 million to one!

updating your public alerts. . .

When you ACTIVATE YOUR CARD, we will ask you to create a password, which you will need to update the information that you want to appear in your Public Alerts page.  For added security this password is encrypted and, because we don't have an email address to send you a traditional 'reset' message, if you forget your password, call our Support team on 03300 30 11 22 between 9am and 4pm any weekday and we will reset it for you.  Read more about this in our SUPPORT page.

<< what sort of content should you add? >>

what you should include. . . 

There are no rules for what you can or can't add to a Public Alerts page.  You may, for example, want to add a contact telephone number for next-of-kin, or someone who can look after your cats if you are incapacitated. . .  in fact, you can include your own name if you wish, just to give a first responder confidence that the card belongs to you!  The decision is entirely yours.

A technical note:  All search engines are banned from Public Alerts pages, so if you do decide to include your name, no-one is going to be able to Google you.

In any case, it would be extraordinarily rare for a MyAlerts! card to be the only source of information in a patient's wallet, phone case or bag. . .  there is almost always a driving licence, bank card, or some other form of identification which DOES show your name.


identifying features. . .

Because you may decide not to include your name in the Public Alerts page,  there is section where you can list some general physical characteristics (i.e.  male, 5'11" tall, full beard etc.). . .  and make a note of any identifying features such as a scar, birthmark, or 'tattoo of Donald Duck on left ankle' for example!

This feature gives first responders even greater confidence that the Public Alerts they are presented with belong to the person carrying the card.


lost or stolen cards

If your MyAlerts! card is lost or stolen (or you suspect that your PIC has been compromised), call Support and we can turn off your account instantly, so that your private medical information remains private.

We will also re-issue you with a new card, and a new PIC, completely free of charge!  For full details of how this works, visit the SUPPORT page.