can you help?

We are only able to provide this life-saving service for a penny a day thanks to the support of our business SPONSORS and because so many kind people volunteer their time to promote this unique service.

or help spread the word. . .

One penny a day just about covers the cost to maintain the system, to provide both customer and technical support, and to store the data of up to 100,000 card holders.

However, to make our unique service this affordable we don't have a 'marketing budget', we can't afford to buy expensive advertising. . .  so we rely solely on volunteers around the world to promote MyAlerts! through Social Media, in blogs and various forums.

To become a volunteer Promoter, simply join the MyAlerts! FACEBOOK group.  We can then keep you informed about what's happening with MyAlerts! and give you access to weekly updated images and posts that you can share with your friends and followers.

Together, we really can help to save lives. . .


please visit our sponsors

The businesses below all help us in some way, so please take a look at their products and services.

Solŵr Wales:  As our primary Sponsor, this Welsh solar energy Company have supported MyAlerts! through its development, proof of concept and public launch.  If you are feeling the pain of increasing electricity prices, take a look at their website at  Blue skies not required!

CanalsOnline Magazine:  This on-line magazine for the UK's canal and river boating community are running a full page feature throughout 2023/24 (and beyond we hope!) to make the estimated 70,000 people who live permanently on the British waterways aware of MyAlerts! and how it can particularly help them!  Please take a moment to visit CanalsOnline Magazine

Talk Numbers:  Our enormous thanks to this leading Telecoms Company for providing our services.  You can find their website at


If you have a business and would like to get involved, or perhaps you are a Social Media 'influencer', please get in touch by calling 03300 30 11 22 or email and let's talk!